
The Webhook feature in Triggerbee Automation allows you to send data to a receiving Web app of your choosing.

Note! From 2024, we recommend that you use the JSON payload (toggle) for your webhooks. This feature will replace the original Webhook in 2024.

How to

  1. Navigate to Automations and create a new automation.
  2. Select the trigger that should initiate the webhook, for example, a goal or a visit to a certain URL.
  3. As the action of the automation, select "Execute webhook" from the Triggerbee library. Enter the URL for your webhook and toggle the "Use the new format..".

  4. Give your automation a name and save it. When the automation is triggered, Triggerbee will call the webhook using a HTTP POST command and send a JSON payload of data regarding the visitor and the session.
  5. Your developer will need to analyze the JSON payload (tip: use a service like https://requestb.in ) and develop a script that can do something with it, for example, insert it into your system or funnel it to a middleware like Zapier.

The payload looks different, depending on the data that can be found on the visitor and session.

Here are the standard fields that are always included in the payload:

"GeoLocation":"Stockholm, Sweden",
"Goals":["Example Goal"],

Here is an example of a payload that also includes custom data as well as data from form submissions (the "Fields"-collection):

    "Uid": 1234567,
    "SessionId": 1234567890,
    "John Smith visited our website and completed 
    goals \"Submitted the form \"Popup Black friday\", 
    Gave consent\". 2 clicks.",
    "visit": {
        "Time": "2021-11-24T10:16:44",
        "NetName": "Telia Network Services",
        "GeoLocation": "Orebro, Sweden",
        "Goals": [
            "Submitted the form \"Popup Black friday\"",
            "Gave consent"
        "Revenue": 10.0,
        "Consent": {
            "Title": "Popup Black friday",
            "CurrentWebsiteUrl": "https://triggerbee.com/",
        "By submitting to this form you agree to \n\nour privacy policy",
            "IsCheckboxPresent": "true",
            "VersionDate": "2021-05-31T10:00:00",
            "RevisionNumber": "18"
        "PersonalData": {
            "Email": "john@johnsmith-example.com",
            "Name": "John Smith"
        "Fields": {
            "CheckboxList1": "First item",
            "Gender": "Male",
            "Message": "I really like your products"

This payload implies that the visit of John Smith includes both default and custom fields.

Custom fields:

  • Submitted a form "Popup Black Friday"
  • Entered his name and email address in the form
  • Gave his consent for email marketing and privacy policy
  • Entered custom fields in a form including:
    • Checkbox field
    • Gender
    • Message

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