FAQ Campaigns

This article covers some of the most frequently asked questions about Campaigns. 

"I can't see my published campaign"

If you can't see your campaign on your website, it might be because of one of the reasons below.

  1. URL targeting is incorrect

Double-check the URL targeting in the campaign vs. the URL you are visiting

  1. You are not in the targeted audience

Check incognito mode to visit the website unidentified

  1. You have already seen the campaign

Check incognito mode to visit the website unidentified

  1. Domain targeting is wrong

Sometimes your domain has to be added with www. in the beginning. Go to the page where the campaign is supposed to show and open the console. Enter window.location.host to see what the domain actually looks like.

  1. Wrong configured audience

If you are using Audiences from other tools, such as Voyado Audience or Rule Tags - make sure that it is configured correctly according to the instructions in the help articles. For instance, the Voyado audiences has to be spelled exactly like they are in Voyado to work.

  1. It's still not working

If checking the above suggestions didn't fix your problem, please reach out to support@triggerbee.com and explain your issue - and we will help you out :)

"I can't see my campaign in preview mode"

When previewing a campaign should open up directly, regardless of the triggers and timing options you have configured the campaign with. Still there are a number of reasons why your campaign doesn't show up when previewing.

  1. Removal of query string

To force open a campaign while previewing, Triggerbee uses querystrings. Sometimes those are removed by your website so check the URL of the tab that is opened when you have clicked to preview a campaign. It should contain a querystring that looks similar to this:


If the query string isn't there it could be that your website redirects the visitor to another domain, and while doing so removes the query that forces the Triggerbee Campaign open. You can fix this by going to your Account Settings and configuring the "Campaign Preview Url" with the URL that your website is trying to redirect you to.

  1. Missing Tracking code

You can check this by opening up the Developer Console in your browser. Go to the Sources tab and search for t.myvistors.se. If it's not there, the Triggerbee code snippet has not been installed correctly. 

  1. Wrongly configured 'Security Policy'

Some websites are configured to using a  Content Security Policy. For Triggerbee to work your Content Security Policy must contain two domains: *.triggerbee.com and *.myvisitors.se.

If you have message similar to this in the Developer Console, then you need to configure it:

To check the Content Security Policy of you website, then open up the Developer Console. Reload the page while having the "Network"-tab open. Filter by "Docs" and click on the document of the html-page. Open up the Headers-tab for this document. Here you can see the Content Security Policy, and you can check what domains are configured. If you don't see it, then your website doesn't have a Content Security Policy.

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