Javascript Snippet Library
This is a collection of Javascript snippets that may be used in full or for inspiration in order to log events and customize campaigns. You will find scripts that cover these areas:
- Campaign Targeting
- Campaign Design
- Datalayer and Cart Events
- Enrich Visitor Data
- Handle form data
- And some Other scripts
Note: These scripts are not one-fits-all. They are example scripts and need to be configured based on your specific webpage.
Campaign Targeting
Target Campaigns based on element CSS
Target Campaigns based on specific time
/* helpfunction to put in client script */ function afterTime(hour,minutes) { var d = new Date(); if (d.getHours() >= hour && d.getMinutes() >= minutes) { return true; } } /* Script to use in campaign Javascript condition */ afterTime(20,00) // to start campaign after 20:00
Target Campaigns based on DOM elements
document.querySelector(".login-button").innerText=="login"; // target campaign if there is a button on the page with the class .login-button and text "login" document.querySelector(".total").innerText.slice(0, -3) < 300; // target campaign if the element with class total has a value of more than 300
Target Campaigns based on value in the cart
/* helpfunction to put in client script */ function cartValueOver(value) { var cartTotal = parseInt(document.querySelector(".cart-total").innerText; if (value > cartTotal) { return true; } } /* Script to use in campaign Javascript condition */ cartValueOver(199);
Target Campaigns if a specific product is in cart
/* helpfunction to put in client script*/ function productInCart(productName) { var cartProducts = document.querySelectorAll(".cart-items"); for (let index = 0; index < cartProducts.length; index++) { const element = cartProducts[index]; if (element.innerText == productName) { return true; } } } /* Script to use in campaign Javascript condition */ productInCart("Productname");
Target Campaigns based on different parts of the URL
/* Domain, ex. */ == "" /* Page, ex. /products/t-shirt */ window.location.pathname == "path" window.location.pathname.includes("path"); /* Query, ex. a certain utm-tag */"utm_campaign=wintercampaign");
Open a campaign on a click
var tbClickButtons = document.querySelectorAll(".click-button"); if (tbClickButtons) { for (var index = 0; index < tbClickButtons.length; index++) { const tbClickButton = tbClickButtons[index]; tbClickButton.addEventListener("click", function () { triggerbee.widgets.api.trigger(1234); }) } }
Target campaign if current URL matches a big set of URLs or part of URL
/* helpfunction to put in clientscript */ /* array of all variants to target */ var mySKUs = ['39500-02','45750-02','39524-04','39530-03','39533-01','39549-02','39502-02','39550-06']; /* function to extract matching part of URL */ function extractpartofUrl(url) { const regex = /variantId=([^&]+)/; const match = url.match(regex); return match ? match[1] : null; } /* function to chef if current URL matches any of the variables in the array */ function isCorrectSKU() { const variantId = extractpartofUrl(window.location.href); return mySKUs.includes(variantId); } /* Javascript to target campaign on */ isCorrectSKU(); // will return true if current URL is a match
Campaign Design
Anchor widget to another element (Login nudge)
document.addEventListener("onTriggerbeeWidgetOpened", function (event) { if({ /* Step 1: Retrieve references to the target element and the div element */ const targetElement = document.getElementById('user-dialog'); const divElement = document.querySelector('triggerbee-widget').shadowRoot.querySelector("[data-position-id='61023']"); /* Step 2: Calculate the position of the target element */ const targetRect = targetElement.getBoundingClientRect(); const targetTop =; const targetLeft = targetRect.left; /* Step 3: Set the position and dimensions of the div element */ = 'absolute'; = targetTop+60+"px"; = targetLeft-180+"px"; } });
Rotate the teaser
/* ROTATE TEASER */ document.addEventListener("onTriggerbeeWidgetOpened", function (event) { if (event.detail.campaignName.includes("XX")) { /* Replace XX with the name of your campaign */ var widgetRotate = document.querySelector('triggerbee-widget[data-id="''"]').shadowRoot.querySelector(".state.state-teaser.cursor-pointer").style; /* The adjustments for the appearance */ widgetRotate.transform="rotate(-90deg)"; widgetRotate.msTransform="rotate(-90deg)"; widgetRotate.minHeigt="30px"; widgetRotate.right="50px"; widgetRotate.width="150px"; widgetRotate.marginBottom="250px"; } });
Change deadline to count 3 minutes from session start
/* Change counter to 3 minutes for campaign with ID 58089 */ document.addEventListener("onTriggerbeeWidgetOpened", function (event) { if ( == 58089) { /* Get the deadline component element */ const tbWidget = document.querySelector('triggerbee-widget[data-id="58089"]').shadowRoot; const deadlineElement = tbWidget.querySelector('.deadline-component'); /* Set the deadline time to 30 minutes from now */ const deadlineTime = new Date(); deadlineTime.setMinutes(deadlineTime.getMinutes() + 3); deadlineElement.querySelector('.minutes .deadline-section-slide1').textContent = 0; deadlineElement.querySelector('.seconds .deadline-section-slide1').textContent = 0; function updateCountdown() { /* Calculate the time remaining until the deadline */ const now = new Date(); const timeRemaining = deadlineTime - now; /* Calculate the minutes, and seconds remaining */ const minutes = Math.floor((timeRemaining % (1000 * 60 * 60)) / (1000 * 60)); const seconds = Math.floor((timeRemaining % (1000 * 60)) / 1000); /* Update the HTML elements with the new values */ deadlineElement.querySelector('.minutes .deadline-section-slide2').style.display = "none"; deadlineElement.querySelector('.seconds .deadline-section-slide2').style.display = "none"; deadlineElement.querySelector('.minutes .deadline-section-value2').style.display = "none"; deadlineElement.querySelector('.seconds .deadline-section-value2').style.display = "none"; deadlineElement.querySelector('.minutes .deadline-section-slide1').textContent = String(minutes).padStart(2, '0'); deadlineElement.querySelector('.seconds .deadline-section-slide1').textContent = String(seconds).padStart(2, '0'); } /* Update the countdown every second */ setInterval(updateCountdown, 1000); } }); });
Change color of the copy check mark
document.addEventListener("onTriggerbeeWidgetOpened", function () { var tbWidget=document.querySelector('triggerbee-widget'); var tbCheckMark = tbWidget.shadowRoot.querySelector(".checkmark-circle"); if(tbCheckMark){"#000"; tbWidget.shadowRoot.querySelector(".checkmark").style.borderColor="#FFF"; } });
Change CSS of element in specific campaign
document.addEventListener("onTriggerbeeWidgetOpened", function (event) { if ( { document.querySelector('triggerbee-widget[data-id="''"]').shadowRoot.querySelector('.state').style.minHeight="32px"; } });
Remove click-event from powered by logo
document.addEventListener("onTriggerbeeWidgetOpened", function (event) { if({ var poweredLink=document.querySelector('triggerbee-widget').shadowRoot.querySelector('#powered-by a'); poweredLink.addEventListener("click", function(event){ event.preventDefault() });"default"; } });
Change close button to white in Cookie Policy
var policyStyle = document.createElement('style'); policyStyle.innerHTML = ` .step-summary-close img{ content:url("//"); width: 20px !important; height: 20px !important; } `; document.head.appendChild(policyStyle);
Replacing {email} in text with identified email
document.addEventListener("onTriggerbeeWidgetOpened", function (event) { var person = mtr.getPerson(); var triggerbeeWidget = document.querySelector('triggerbee-widget').shadowRoot; triggerbeeWidget.innerHTML = triggerbeeWidget.innerHTML.replace('{email}', person.identifier); });
Replacing {delivery} in text with calculated value left to delivery
document.addEventListener("onTriggerbeeWidgetOpened", function (event) { if ( { var checkoutTotal = parseInt(document.querySelector("div[data-test-id='CheckoutSelectors.OrderTotal']").innerText.slice(0,-4)); if (checkoutTotal < 4000) { var leftToDelivery = 4000 - checkoutTotal; var triggerbeeWidget = document.querySelector('triggerbee-widget[data-id="''"]').shadowRoot; triggerbeeWidget.innerHTML = triggerbeeWidget.innerHTML.replace('{delivery}', leftToDelivery); } } });
Add Gradient Color to Text block
document.addEventListener("onTriggerbeeWidgetOpened", function (event) { var widget = document.querySelector('triggerbee-widget'); if({ var textParagraphs = widget.shadowRoot.querySelectorAll('.text-content'); const textP = textParagraphs[0]; /* finding the first .text-content paragraph */"-webkit-linear-gradient(90deg, #FF0000, #00ff00 80%)";["-webkit-text-fill-color"] = "transparent";["-webkit-background-clip"] = "text"; } });
Change CSS in Mobile devices - 1 step
document.addEventListener("onTriggerbeeWidgetOpened", function (event) { var widget = document.querySelector('triggerbee-widget'); if(widget && window.innerWidth < 767){ widget.shadowRoot.querySelector('.state').style.marginRight="20px"; } });
Change CSS in Mobile devices - several steps
document.addEventListener("onTriggerbeeWidgetOpened", function (event) { var widget = document.querySelector('triggerbee-widget'); if( && window.innerWidth < 767){ var states = widget.shadowRoot.querySelectorAll('.state'); for (var index = 0; index < states.length; index++) { const state = states[index];"20px"; } } });
Prefill input field with Email for identified users
document.addEventListener("onTriggerbeeWidgetOpened", function() { var tbWidget = document.querySelector("triggerbee-widget"); var tbUserEmail = mtr.getPerson().identifier; if (tbWidget && tbUserEmail) { var tbEmailInput = tbWidget.shadowRoot.querySelector("input[type=email]"); tbEmailInput.value=tbUserEmail; } });
Make it snow on your website - Snowflakes CSS hack
document.addEventListener('onTriggerbeeWidgetOpened', function (event) { if ( { var tbWidget=document.querySelector('triggerbee-widget[data-id="''"]').shadowRoot; snowDiv = document.createElement('div'); snowDiv.classList.add("snow"); tbWidget.appendChild(snowDiv); var snowStyle = document.createElement('style'); snowStyle.innerHTML = ` .snow{ position:fixed; pointer-events:none; top:0; left:0; right:0; bottom:0; height:100vh; background: none; background-image: url(''), url(''), url(''); z-index:100; -webkit-animation: snow 10s linear infinite; -moz-animation: snow 10s linear infinite; -ms-animation: snow 10s linear infinite; animation: snow 10s linear infinite; } @keyframes snow { 0% {background-position: 0px 0px, 0px 0px, 0px 0px;} 50% {background-position: 250px 500px, 200px 200px, -150px 150px;} 100% {background-position: 500px 1000px, 400px 400px, -300px 300px;} } @-moz-keyframes snow { 0% {background-position: 0px 0px, 0px 0px, 0px 0px;} 50% {background-position: 250px 500px, 200px 200px, -150px 150px;} 100% {background-position: 500px 1000px, 400px 400px, 300px 300px;} } @-webkit-keyframes snow { 0% {background-position: 0px 0px, 0px 0px, 0px 0px;} 50% {background-position: 250px 500px, 200px 200px, -150px 150px;} 100% {background-position: 500px 1000px, 400px 400px, -300px 300px;} } @-ms-keyframes snow { 0% {background-position: 0px 0px, 0px 0px, 0px 0px;} 50% {background-position: 250px 500px, 200px 200px, -150px 150px;} 100% {background-position: 500px 1000px, 400px 400px, -300px 300px;} } `; tbWidget.appendChild(snowStyle); } });
Datalayer and Cart Events
Rule Cart Abandoned
if(window.location.pathname=="/checkout/"){ var productsInCart=google_tag_manager['GTM-ABC1234'].dataLayer.get('ecommerce.checkout.products'); var tbCartProducts = []; for (let i = 0; i < productsInCart.length; i++) { const item = productsInCart[i]; const product = { namn:, pris: item.price, kategori: item.category, antal: item.quantity, bild: item.image } tbCartProducts.push(product); } if (tbCartProducts.length > 0) { mtr_custom.session = { cartproducts: JSON.stringify(tbCartProducts)}; mtr.goal("Initiated purchase"); } }
Voyado Cart Abandoned
if(window.location.pathname=="/checkout/"){ var date = new Date(); var timeZone ='+0' + Math.abs(date.getTimezoneOffset()) / 60 + ':00'; var time = date.toLocaleString('sv-SE') + ' ' + timeZone; var productsInCart=google_tag_manager['GTM-ABC1234'].dataLayer.get('ecommerce.checkout.products'); var tbCartProducts = []; for (let i = 0; i < productsInCart.length; i++) { const item = productsInCart[i]; const product = { sku: item.sku, quantity: item.quantity, } tbCartProducts.push(product); } if (tbCartProducts.length > 0) { mtr_custom.session = { products: JSON.stringify(tbCartProducts), time: time}; mtr.goal("Initiated purchase"); } }
Filter specific value from the data layer and store in an array
/* Create new array with only product names */ function checkProducts(prod){ let checkoutProducts = dataLayer.filter(function (e) { return e.event == "checkout"; }); return checkoutProducts[0]{ name }) => name).includes(prod); }; /* Call function with product name in Campaigns. Returns true if product exists */ checkProducts("Product name");
Log cart Contents (products, productID and cartSum) to client
if (window.location.pathname=="/checkout") { var productsInCart=dataLayer[3].ecommerce.items; var cartSum=dataLayer[3].ecommerce.value; var tbCartProducts = []; var tbCartProductIDs = []; for (let i = 0; i < productsInCart.length; i++) { const item = productsInCart[i]; const product = { name: item.item_name, price: item.price, quantity: item.quantity, category: item.item_category } tbCartProducts.push(product); tbCartProductIDs.push(item.item_id); } mtr_custom.session = { cartProducts: JSON.stringify(tbCartProducts)}; mtr.goal("Initiated purchase"); }
Get specific value from Datalayer
Check products in Checkout
Gets all products in the checkout. Loop through and collect in an array. Then log to Triggerbee.
if (window.location.pathname=="/checkout") { var tbProductsinCart = document.querySelectorAll(".product-name"); var tbProducts = []; for (var index = 0; index < tbProductsinCart.length; index++) { const tbProduct = tbProductsinCart[index].innerText; tbProducts.push(tbProduct.toLowerCase()); } window.triggerbee=window.triggerbee || {}; window.triggerbee.products=tbProducts; } /* Combine with this snippet for campaigntargeting: */ triggerbee.products.includes("productX");
Enrich Visitor Data
Add tags based on host
document.addEventListener("afterTriggerbeeReady", function () { if ( == "") { triggerbee.session.addTags('Yourdomain'); } });
Set tag based on email domain for identified visitors
var emailDomains = [""]; window.addEventListener('load', function () { var emailDomain = mtr.getPerson().identifier.split("@")[1]; if (emailDomains.includes(emailDomain)) { triggerbee.identity.addTags("Tag"); } });
Log goal on a specific state in Onsite Campaigns
document.addEventListener("onTriggerbeeWidgetStateSwitched", function (event) { if (event.detail.stateId==1234) { mtr.goal("State goal"); } });
Log goal based on querystring
window.addEventListener('load', function () { if ("utm_source=facebook")) { mtr.goal("Came from Facebook Campaign"); } });
Log "seen campaign" on every campaign
Use this snippet to set a goal on the visitor every time they see a campaign. Useful for creating funnels in which visitors have seen a campaign, but not converted.
document.addEventListener("onTriggerbeeWidgetOpened", function (event) { mtr.goal("Seen campaign: "+event.detail.campaignName) });
Handle form data
Log Identity from a form submit in modal
This snippet listens to a button that opens a login modal. In that modal, there's a login form in which we get the email address and log to Triggerbee for identification.
if (document.querySelector("#login-btn")) { tbLoginButton.addEventListener("click", function(){ setTimeout(function(){ var tbLoginForm = document.querySelector("form"); tbLoginForm.addEventListener("submit", function(){ var tbUserEmail = document.querySelector("#user-email"); var tbContact = window.mtr_custom || {}; tbContact.session = tbContact.session || {}; = tbUserEmail.value; window.mtr_custom = tbContact; mtr.goal("Logged in"); }); }, 1000); }); }
Do something with submitted form values
document.addEventListener("onBeforeTriggerbeeFormSubmitted", function (e) { if( == 4817){ var widget = document.querySelector('triggerbee-widget').shadowRoot; var widgetForm = widget.querySelector("form"); if (widget) { var filledEmail = widgetForm.querySelector('input[type=email]').value; var filledName = widgetForm.querySelector("input[name='name']").value; console.log("Epostadress: " + filledEmail); console.log("filledName: " + filledName); triggerbee.widgets.api.close(; } } });
Prevent closing of embedded campaign on canvas click
document.addEventListener('onTriggerbeeWidgetOpened', function (event) { if ( { var tbWidget=document.querySelector('triggerbee-widget[data-id="''"]').shadowRoot; tbWidget.querySelector(".state-regular").onclick = function () {'', '_blank') mtr.widget('clickthrough', 94830); } } });
Delete memory of what state was latest shown
var tbStateCookie = mtr.get_cookie("triggerbee_widgets_state_121212"); //SITE ID if (tbStateCookie.includes("12345")) { // WIDGET ID var parsedCookie = JSON.parse(tbStateCookie); parsedCookie.widgets = parsedCookie.widgets.filter(state => != 12345); mtr.set_cookie("triggerbee_widgets_state_121212",JSON.stringify(parsedCookie)) }
Remove specific value from Array
/* remove all objects with id 1234 from array */ Array.filter(object => != 1234);
Randomize number 1-100 for AB-testing in variable
var testNumber=Math.floor((Math.random() * 100) + 1);
Randomize number 1-100 for AB-testing in cookie
if (mtr.get_cookie("tb_abTestGroup")=="") { var abTestNumber = Math.floor((Math.random() * 100) + 1); document.cookie = "tb_abTestGroup" + "=" + abTestNumber + ";path=/;domain=" + "." + location.hostname.replace(/^www\./i, "") + ";"; } /* target group A */ mtr.get_cookie("tb_abTestGroup")>50 /* target group B */ mtr.get_cookie("tb_abTestGroup")<51
General Triggerbee Namespace Function
var triggerbeeClient = triggerbeeClient || (function () { function init(){ myFunction(); } function myFunction(){ /* Code to run */ } window.addEventListener('load', function() { init(); }); return { } })();
Custom Input Field Validation for Campaign Editor
This code sets up customized validation for input fields within a triggerbee form, tailored for use within the "custom code" element of a campaign editor.
const emailValidationMessage = 'Should be your work email'; const phoneValidationMessage = 'Should start with plus followed by 9-11 digits'; const nameValidationMessage = 'First- and lastname, at least three characters each'; const consentValidationMessage = 'Consent please :)'; const onInputScript = 'if(!this.validity.patternMismatch) { this.setCustomValidity(""); }'; //Email const emailInput = widget.querySelector("#email"); emailInput.setAttribute('pattern','^((?!!hotmail).)*$'); emailInput.setAttribute('oninvalid', 'this.setCustomValidity("' + emailValidationMessage + '")'); emailInput.setAttribute('oninput', onInputScript); //Phone number const phoneInput = widget.querySelector("#telephone"); phoneInput.setAttribute('pattern','^\\+\\d{10,12}$'); phoneInput.setAttribute('oninvalid', 'this.setCustomValidity("' + phoneValidationMessage + '")'); phoneInput.setAttribute('oninput', onInputScript); //Name const nameInput = widget.querySelector("#name"); nameInput.setAttribute('pattern','^([\\w]{3,})+\\s+([\\w\\s]{3,})+$'); nameInput.setAttribute('oninvalid', 'this.setCustomValidity("' + nameValidationMessage + '")'); nameInput.setAttribute('oninput', onInputScript); //Consent checkbox const consentInput = widget.querySelector('#triggerbee-consent-checkbox'); consentInput.setAttribute('oninvalid', 'this.setCustomValidity("' + consentValidationMessage + '")'); consentInput.setAttribute('oninput', onInputScript);
Adjust the follow-up question depending on the CSAT Score
Change the label for multi-line field in step 2 depending on the CSAT score in step 1
var _CSATValue = false; document.addEventListener('onTriggerbeeWidgetStateSwitched', function (event) { if(event.detail.stateId == 123456){ //State for follow-up question var tbWidget=document.querySelector('triggerbee-widget[data-id="''"]').shadowRoot; if(tbWidget.querySelector('.component-buttonlistcsatstarrating').innerText < 4) //Number of stars _CSATValue = true; else _CSATValue = false; var message = tbWidget.querySelector("label[for='CSATComment']"); if(_CSATValue){ message.innerHTML = "We’re sorry your experience wasn’t ideal. What could we do to improve and better meet your needs?"; } else { message.innerHTML = "That’s great to hear! What did you like most about your experience?"; } } });
Advanced Cookies
Buying Intent Cookie
/* START BUYING INTENT */ /* START DONT TOUCH */ var slidingCookie = function (settings) { var isTrue = function () { var minutes = settings.minimumInterval; var count = settings.minOccurances; if (!minutes) minutes = 0; /* Avoid "Invalid date" in list */ var list = filterList(minutes); /* Return true if list is more than count */ return list.length >= count; } var filterList = function (minutes) { var list = getList(); var now = getNow(); var isDirty = false; /* Filter expired items from list */ for (var i = list.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var validUntil = new Date(list[i]); validUntil.setMinutes(validUntil.getMinutes() + minutes); var isWithin = validUntil > now; if (!isWithin) { list.splice(i, 1); isDirty = true; } } if (isDirty) setCookie(getCookieName(), JSON.stringify(list)); return list; } var incrementList = function () { var list = getList(); /* Add current pageview to list */ list.push(getNow().toString()); /* Limit to 50 items (dates) in list */ if (list.length >= 50) list.shift(); /* Save list */ setCookie(getCookieName(), JSON.stringify(list)); return list; } var getList = function () { /* Get list */ var list = getCookie(getCookieName()); list = !list ? [] : list = JSON.parse(list); return list; } var getCookieName = function () { return "mtr_slidingCookie-" + } var getNow = function () { var now = new Date(); return now; } var getCookie = function (name) { var ca = document.cookie.split(';'); for (var i = 0, l = ca.length; i < l; i++) { if (ca[i].match(new RegExp("\\b" + name + "="))) { return decodeURIComponent(ca[i].split(name + '=')[1]); } } return ''; } var setCookie = function (name, value) { var ex = new Date; ex.setTime(ex.getTime() + (3600 * 1000 * 24) * 21); document.cookie = name + "=" + value + ";expires=" + ex.toGMTString() + ";path=/;"; } /* * Constructor * */ /* Check and increment */ if (settings.callback()) { var list = getList(); /* we only store PageView IF the time since last */ /* PageView is more than minimumInterval */ var lastView = (list.length > 0) ? new Date(list[list.length - 1]) :; var interval = - lastView; var intervalSeconds = parseInt(interval / 1000); if (intervalSeconds > settings.minimumInterval || list.length == 0) { incrementList(); } } /* Run final actions */ var boolCounterTrue = isTrue(); if (settings.isDebug) { console.log('Action taken more than ' + settings.minOccurances + ' times in ' + settings.minimumInterval + ' seconds?: ' + isTrue()); console.log(getList()); } if (boolCounterTrue) { /* Log goal */ if (settings.goalName && mtr.getPerson().goals.indexOf(settings.goalName) === -1) { if (settings.isDebug) { console.log('Logging goal ' + settings.goalName); } mtr.goal(settings.goalName); } /* Save boolean on window-namespace so other scripts can use it */ eval("window." + + " = true"); /* Open campaign */ if (settings.isDebug) { console.log('Showing widget ' + settings.widgetId); console.log("window." + + " = true"); console.log("window.buyingIntentSofa ?: => " + window.buyingIntentSofa); } /* triggerbee.widgets.api.trigger(settings.campaignId); */ } return {}; }; function afterTriggerbeeReady(callback) { var maxAttempts = 10; var counter = 0; checkIsInitialized(); function checkIsInitialized() { if (typeof ( !== "undefined" && typeof (window.triggerbee.widgets) !== "undefined") { callback(); } else { if (counter < maxAttempts) { setTimeout(function () { counter++; checkIsInitialized(); }, 250); } } } } /* Init sliding cookie */ afterTriggerbeeReady(function () { initSlidingCookie(); document.addEventListener('onTriggerbeeSpaPageChanged', function (e) { initSlidingCookie(); }); }) /* END DONT TOUCH */ /* CUSTOMER SPECIFIC */ /* check if current page should count as a match */ function isPageViewMateus() { if (window.location.pathname.includes("mateus")) { return true; } } function initSlidingCookie() { var settingsMateus = { id: 'buyingIntentMateus', /* unique id to group your cookie, ex. category */ minimumInterval: (3600 * 12), /* number of seconds before a pageview is expired - 12 is number of hours */ minOccurances: 2, /* number of visits before triggering the intent */ callback: isPageViewMateus, /* function to run to check if we are on the correct category */ goalName: 'Buying Intent on Mateus', /* goal to complete when expression is true */ /*campaignId: 21379, Campaign to open when expression is true isDebug: false Log debugmessages */ }; new slidingCookie(settingsMateus); } /* END BUYING INTENT */
Set cookie based on URL for Campaign targeting
/* Set cookie on every visitor from a certain query. Expires on session */ if ("vipBlackFridaySms")) { document.cookie = "tb_user" + "=" + "vip" + ";path=/;domain=" + "." + location.hostname.replace(/^www\./i, "") + ";"; } /* Do something if cookie exists */ if(document.cookie.includes("tb_user=vip")){ console.log("you have cookie!"); }
Store data in cookie
/* this particular variable is from GTM, but snippet can be used outside GTM too */ var productsInCart = {{Checkout - items}}; /* Get Cookie */ var productCookie=Cookies.get("products_in_cart"); /* Check if cookie exists */ if (!productCookie) { /* if not - create new cookie */ Cookies.set("products_in_cart",JSON.stringify(productsInCart),10); }else{ var cookieArray = JSON.parse(productCookie); cookieArray.push(productsInCart[0]); Cookies.set("products_in_cart",JSON.stringify(cookieArray),10); } /* Get new cookie and log to Triggerbee */ var newProductCookie = Cookies.get("products_in_cart"); window.mtr_custom.session = { products: newProductCookie}
Set cookie based on URL for Campaign targeting - expire after X seconds
/* Create cookie function */ var setCookie = function (name, value, expires) { var ex = new Date; ex.setTime(ex.getTime() + (expires || 10 * 365 * 86400) * 1000); document.cookie = name + "=" + value + ";expires=" + ex.toGMTString() + ";path=/;domain=" + "." + location.hostname.replace(/^www\./i, "") + ";"; } /* Set cookie on every visitor from a certain query. Set expire date to a specific date. */ window.addEventListener("load", function () { if ("coupon_code")) { setCookie("tb_user","vip",7200); /* will expire after 7200 seconds = 2 hours */ } }); /* Use this snippet for campaign targeting */ !document.cookie.includes("tb_user=vip");
Set cookie based on URL for Campaign targeting - expire on a specific date
/* Create cookie function */ var setCookie = function (name, value, expires) { document.cookie = name + "=" + value + ";expires=" + expires.toGMTString() + ";path=/;domain=" + "." + location.hostname.replace(/^www\./i, "") + ";"; } /* Set cookie on every visitor from a certain query. Set expire date to a specific date. */ window.addEventListener("load", function () { var tb_date = new Date(2020, 10, 25); /* Creates date 2020-11-24 00:00 */ if ("coupon_code")) { setCookie("tb_user","vip",tb_date); } }); /* Use this snippet for campaign targeting */ !document.cookie.includes("tb_user=vip");