Consent & Cookiebar

With Triggerbee Consent you can quickly and easily GDPR secure your website and forms. Collect visitor consent, create a privacy policy with pre-written templates or use your own, inform your visitors about cookies and automatically update the contacts in your connected CRM- or email tool as soon as they have agreed to communication.

  • Create your own privacy policy in less than 5 minutes
  • Collect and store consent from the identified profiles in your account
  • Populate your CRM- and email marketing tool with consent on your contacts

How does it work?

The Triggerbee Consent & Cookiebar feature consists of two parts.


Every time a new visitor (new cookie) visits your website, you have to inform them that tracking of cookies is taking place and that if they proceed to use the website, they accept this. This is done through a small banner that you publish on your website. When someone clicks on "Learn More" in the privacy notice, the privacy policy will be opened. For the privacy policy, you can either use Triggerbee's pre-made policy template or paste your own. Read about how to set up your cookie banner here. 

Note: The cookie banner does not have any logic to decide what (if any) cookies should be accepted, it's simply a banner informing the visitor that cookies are being used on the website. 


Consent is the action of when the user actively allows you to store their contact information and to continue to communicate with them on-site, or through other channels. Consent can be collected on your website through Triggerbee Campaigns with the Consent Element. Triggerbee will then store the consent in our database together with all the data we have on the profile, along with populating your CRM- ort tool as well as your email marketing tool. This will allow you to communicate with your contacts in compliance with the GDPR law. If the profile would like to export or delete the data we have on them, that is easily done as well. 

Once Consent is collected, it will be displayed like this on the Profile flyout in Triggerbee - where you will be able to see when the consent took place, what version of the privacy policy was accepted, and the specific context. 

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