Send email to a colleauge

Triggerbee automations allows you to notify a colleague about signups, leads,or any other event that has happened on the webpage. You can of course notify yourself too! This is done with the automation step "Send mail to Triggerbee User". The email will always contain a link to the session of where the event took place, but you can also add more information - just basic text or even the actual collected data from the event. 

Sending an email to a colleague without data

  1. Start by creating your automation, either from scratch or typically from a campaign. 
  2. In the automation, select the action "send mail to Triggerbee user" (the colleague you want to email has to be a Triggerbee user).
  3. Select the recipient and enter a headline for the email. 
  4. In the message field, add some text about the event. 
  5. Save and now your colleauge will be notified when the event takes place the next time!

Sending an email to a colleague with properties from event

  1. Start by creating your automation, either from scratch or typically from a campaign. 
  2. In your automation, select the action "send mail to Triggerbee user" (the colleague you want to email has to be a Triggerbee user).
  3. Select the recipient and enter a headline for the email. A typical use case is when you want to notify a colleague about a signup or a lead. 
  4. In the message field, use mergevars to access visitor properties. Note that we mixed contact- and custom mergevars for this particular use case. Regular HTML elements are used for styling. 
  5. Save and now your colleauge will be notified when the event takes place the next time!

From a campaign looking like this:

The automation could look like this:

<strong>Check out this lead!</strong> <br>

Email: {{}} <br>

Organization: {{contact.organization}} <br>

Email: {{session.referrer}} <br>

Email: {{session.custom.size}} <br>

and will be received like this: 

Check out this lead! 


Organization: Triggerbee

Referrer: Blog

Size of business: 20 employees

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