Assisted sales

Assisted Sales is calculated based on how campaigns have influenced purchases. It is an aggregated value from different campaigns where some campaigns assist with coupon codes, others in promotions with either forms or by simply displaying a promotion. 

Here is the process for setting this up:

1) Send order data

Set customer identity + revenue + any vouchers / coupons on the thank you/completed-purchase-page by following our documentation here: 

2) Update each campaigns attribution

Each campaign variant has a new property "Assisting sales" which you use to set how and if the campaign can be seen as attributing / assisting sales.

For example:

  • A sales campaign informing about a sale would be configured to attribute sales upon display.
  • A sales campaign with a link to a selection of sales items would be configured to attribute sales upon click.
  • A recruitment campaign offering a coupon code upon successful registration => Assisting sales upon Form submission
    • If you can include the coupon code used in the purchase in the order data you send back to Triggerbee, the revenue from the order will be added to the Incentivized Sales-metric AND ALSO in the in the Assisting Sales-metric.

How it works:

Any revenue within attribution timeframe (default: 7 days) will be attributed to the campaigns based on attribution setting. Attribition is only made to the last campaign with attribution set.

  1. You are done!

You can now follow the performance of your campaigns.

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