Customizing Gamification Components using Script

You can listen to the following events and use them to do customize the gamification experience:

Wheel starts spinning: onTriggerbeeSpinTheWheelSpinStart

Wheel stops spinning: onTriggerbeeSpinTheWheelSpinEnd

User finishes a Memory game: onTriggerbeeMemoryFinished

Example code:

document.addEventListener("onTriggerbeeSpinTheWheelSpinStart", function (event) {
    console.log('onTriggerbeeSpinTheWheelSpinStart', event.detail);
	    widgetId: id of widget,
		slice: {
      		    label: label of slice the wheel stops on,
      		    isWinner: is this a winner-slice
document.addEventListener("onTriggerbeeSpinTheWheelSpinEnd", function (event) {
    console.log('onTriggerbeeSpinTheWheelSpinEnd', event.detail);
	    widgetId: id of widget,
		slice: {
      		    label: label of slice the wheel stops on,
      		    isWinner: is this a winner-slice
document.addEventListener("onTriggerbeeMemoryFinished", function (event) {
    console.log('onTriggerbeeMemoryFinished', event.detail);
              widgetId: id of widget,
              component: The components html-element,
              elapsedTimeMs: Elapsed time in miliseconds,
              elapsedTime: Formated elapsed time in seconds

Start spin the wheel animation:

You can initiate spinning using script, for example from your own button. Use this method:

Example of letsSpin() method.


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