Common Targeting Examples

Display a campaign for all UTM-campaign visitors

With the Session Condition UTM-targeting, it is possible to target visitor that comes from a certain UTM source, medium, or campaign (or exclude them). This is useful for creating an omnichannel feeling between different channels, such as reminding visitors from influencer links about certain discount codes or promoting a specific offer for social media visitors. To achieve this, simply select what level of UTM you want to target, and what value - eg. utm_campaign = influencer_clara

Display a campaign for new visitors

Display welcome messages for all your new visitors with the session condition "new visitor". This targeting will display your campaign for all visitors that are missing the triggerbee cookies, eg. who have not been on your site (since you installed triggerbee).

Display a campaign for visitors in a specific CRM audience

If you have integrated one of our CRM integrations (such as Rule, Voyado, or Custobar) - it is possible (and highly recommended) to target visitors on the website based on their segmentation in the CRM. For instance, you can target all gold members, churning members, second-time buyers, etc - all targeting in your CRM - available on your site! Easy peasy.

The step-by-steps to do this depend on what CRM you have, so head on over to the Integration articles about your specific CRM to find out how to target your specific CRM audiences!

Target Voyado Audiences or Labels

Target Rule Tags or Filters

Target Mailchimp Tags or Lists

All integrations —>

Display a campaign via a link

With the manual trigger for campaigns, it is possible to open a campaign via a link. This is useful for opening forms, promotions, or even surveys from emails or other channels - or to open campaigns from buttons on your website!

Simply select the trigger "Manual" in your campaign, and you'll be provided with a link that you can use to open the campaign. Add the link as the URL for a button, text, or link in your CMS to open the campaign on click.

If you want to open a specific page, just copy the last part of the link to that URL, eg.

If you want to open the campaign wherever the visitor is at the moment, add only the last part of the link, eg. ?tb-open=12345. Otherwise, you can use the javascript snippet and add that as a script for the button to execute on click.

Note: The campaign will still have its audience and any other targeting of your selection, so make sure to target it for Everyone if you wish the campaign to always display from the link - or keep your targeting to do personalized variants.

Display a campaign for logged-out visitors

With the Javascript Session Condition, the possible targeting use cases become endless! With Javascript, you can target visitors based on HTML or browser objects, cookies, etc. The sky's the limit! One common use case is targeting logged-out visitors. Especially in combination with CRM targeting (see above), you can nudge members to log in for instance.

Because all sites are different, there is no one-solution-fits-all when it comes to Javascript, but two common examples is targeting the HTML-element containing the "logged in" status, or the cookie that keeps track of whether someone is logged in or not. These are two example scripts of how to achieve that:

/* Example 1, targeting visitors that have the login-button present, eg. are logged out */
document.querySelector('#login-button') !== null

/* Example 2, targeting visitors where the login button contains the words Log in, eg. are logged out */
document.querySelector('#login-button').innerText.includes("Log in")

/* Example 3, targeting visitors that does not have the loggedincookie, eg. are logged out */

Display a campaign for visitors with a high NPS score

With the audience filter NPS or CSAT score, it is possible to target visitors who have previously voted within a certain range in your NPS or CSAT campaigns. This is very useful for asking follow-up questions based on voting. Simply select the Audience Filter "NPS" or "CSAT" and add the scoring range you wish to target.

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