Release Notes 2023


🚀 New features

Referral Marketing

Get started with the new Referral Campaigns today and let your customers become your ambassadors! Encourage your existing customers to recommend your products or brand to their friends. This is typically done by offering incentives or rewards to customers who successfully refer new customers. Read more about how to get started with Referral Marketing here.

Unique Coupon Codes

Easily manage and distribute single-use discount codes with the new Unique Coupon Code feature! Create and manage coupon sets with up to 100,000 single-use codes per set, and distribute them in Triggerbee's campaigns. Read more about how to get started with Coupons here.

Rolling Banner Animation

The time has come! Rolling animation is here! This allows you to have your text rolling over your banner, one text repeating over and over, or a sentence at a time. You'll find the animation settings on the Container of your campaign. Read all about the rolling banners (and our other animations!) here.

Rolling banner
Sliding Banner

✨ Improvements

New campaign performance metric: copied coupon

Before today, both buttons and "copy code" were counted as clicks - making it difficult to follow up on the campaign performance. But now, we count "copied coupon" as its own event! The new event is available in the CSV export of campaigns, not in the UI (yet).

Path-targeting for campaigns has been clarified

When targeting campaigns on specific paths, it was not clear that the domain of your account did not need to be added - we assume that you want to show your campaign on the domain of your account. To make that more clear, we've added the domain before the path input field. Hope this helps!

Survey responses are displayed with icons in visitor flyout

After trying to get used to the x|y format of displaying partial responses the verdict is in: Too confusing! Instead, we are now displaying just one number, which includes anyone who started filling out a partial form, or anyone filling out a complete form. The Explainer shows both kinds of data in this format:

🪲 Selection of bug fixes

  • Some old visits in Visitor Feed were broken upon opening
  • The previous update to Angular 16 led to some fields getting weird padding and positions, which are now fixed!
  • Switched to (Swedish) wintertime in Visitor Feed
  • Not all accounts are listed in the dropdown for newly invited users


🚀 New features

Open campaigns via URL

A long-sought-after feature is finally released! Being able to open campaigns with targeting and automation via links! This means that you can link to specific campaigns directly from emails, social media, and other channels. To achieve this, simply publish your campaign with the Manual Trigger and open the campaign like this: You'll find the campaignID in the URL of the campaign editor.

Search Box in components view

A luxury problem with having too many awesome components for widgets is the fact that you have to scroll through them all. But don't worry, we just released a super simple filtering option, to make it super easy to quickly find that component you want!

International Phone Number

Use our new International Telephone Number input to automatically have the correct country selected whenever your visitors enter their phone numbers with country code, or allow them to select from a list of countries.

🪲 Selection of bug fixes

  • The "Review plan" button didn't work on the Plan & Billing Page


🚀 New features

Partial Submit

Have you also always dreamt about being able to split your forms into longer forms, without having to worry about fall-out? We got you covered with our new Partial Submit feature! This feature allows you to capture data along the way when doing longer forms or surveys so that if the form is abandoned, the data is still stored. Note: we do not store personal data until consent is given.

Partial Submits are activated under Form Settings.

Partial submits are displayed next to your full submits.

NPS & CSAT Audience Targeting

We've made it super easy to do follow-up campaigns based on NPS and CSAT scores! Simply create an audience based on CSAT or NPS scores, and publish any follow-up campaigns within minutes.

Country input field

Check out our new Country Input Field! Allow your visitors to select what country they are from, or any other country-based question you wish to ask. You can select whether to display every country in the world, only EU countries, or your custom selection of countries.

✨ Improvements

New options and UI for Embedded Campaign Placeholders

We can now proudly introduce more embedded placeholder options, together with an improved UI. Apart from being able to inject embedded content below the placeholder, or replace it - it is now possible to inject content before! Both before and after have the option to place within the target element, or outside the target element, to make it as customizable as possible for you!

Updated SlideIn Forms configuration

Slide-In Forms are activated under Form Settings and allow you to "slide" in each question in your form one at a time. In the configuration, it is now possible to add custom text to the next button, as well as select between having a progress bar or not.

🪲 Selection of bug fixes

  • A Klaviyo-subscriber will only be added to a new list if the subscriber never existed
  • E-mail submissions are not sent to Custobar.
  • Margin-bottom on labels looks different when editing vs. saving
  • Can't update Fonts due to "font already exists"


We're back from the summer holidays, and we have a lot of fun stuff going on already. In our first release for the fall, we've made some really nice improvements to some campaign elements, updated the Plan & Billing page, and improved the collection of survey responses.

🚀 New features

"Other" input

Very often, when doing surveys or having your visitors select by a few options - it is nice to also have an "other" option where the visitor can enter their own value. This was not possible before, but now it is! Simply add the "other" option for your radio buttons and checkboxes.

Naming of campaign and Variants in the editor

We've opened up the possibility to change the name of you campaign and your current variant directly from the campaign editor.

✨ Improvements

Radio Button Styling

We've added more styling options for Radio buttons. Not only did we add a bunch of preset stylings, including a new style where the whole row is styled and not just the button itself - but we also made it possible to change the color of the radio button in the editor instead of having to upload your own.


The "Text Puff" element has been replaced with the new and improved "Sticker" element. Not only does the Sticker name describe the feature better, but it also comes with some new features. You'll see a bunch of pre-made styles, and you can also center-position the sticker from now on! Amazing.

Teaser and Success state defaults

Before, when adding a teaser step - you just got an empty little blob. But now, we've made it easier for you to quickly get started by adding a default "👏 Hey you!" text element in the teaser. The same goes for the success step where we've added some default thank-you text and a close button.


We have prettified the survey elements even more, by adding a new Confetti feature which allows you to add a fancy animation to your survey options on click. Fun for the visitor and you!

Explainers for dashboard values

Always wondered exactly how we calculate views, click-throughs, and all that for your campaigns? No need to wonder any longer, we've added a bunch of explainers to all data points to make it super clear!

🪲 Selection of bug fixes

  • Not possible to change the name of a copied campaigns automation
  • Image size limitation in the editor has stopped working, allowing users to upload very large images
  • "Å, Ä, Ö" does not exist in "Select step" on button action
  • Identifying visitors from Klaviyo email is not working in browser


Get ready for the biggest release of the year (so far)! This month's release contains something as exciting as a completely new Survey building tool. It's never been easier to quickly publish and follow up on NPS, CSAT, and customer experience surveys.

🚀 New features

Triggerbee Surveys

Today, we are releasing Triggerbee Surveys! 🙌 Our completely new Survey feature will allow you to get to know your customers even more. Find your most loyal customers, those who might be on their way out, and let them tell you why and what you can do better. Read all about our new feature here:

✨ Improvements

Apart from the Survey release, we've also done some other improvements and bug fixing (as always). Here are some highlights!

Add feedback and feature requests

Did you ever find yourself having some feedback or ideas on how to make Triggerbee even better? We've got you covered! Simply click this new button and add your request to the dashboard. Triggerbee staff will be notified, and other customers can vote on your request! Before you know it, its in our backlog 🤩

New Steps Navigation

We have redesigned the steps navigation and moved it from the top panel to the left, to make it easier to oversee and handle. Expand the side panel to rearrange and handle your steps. The first step in the list is the one that will be displayed to your customers first (it was previously a star on that step).

New zero states

When you don't have any campaigns yet in a certain category (Forms, Promotions or Surveys) - we used to display a boring text about how to get started. But now, we've added our most popular campaign templates - ready for you to use! This will make it so much easier to get started within that category! As usual, you can browse through all templates available if you want to see more examples.

🪲 Selection of bug fixes

  • "Save and Apply for all" doesn't work on close buttons
  • Deleted campaigns are missing from Profiles
  • No translation in CSV file from Visitor Page


For this release, we are doing some final touches on something very big and exciting news that will be released in the upcoming weeks. Apart from that, we have as usual made a few features even more easy to use and addressed some bugs 🪲

✨ Improvements

Free Text Search in Visitor Feed and Profiles

This feature has actually always been there, just not very visible. But we fixed that! Welcome back, the free-text-search field! Search for email addresses, UTM tags, names, etc. to quickly find what you are looking for.


Update running AB-tests

Once an AB-test is published, it is not possible to do any changes to it, because that would affect the statistical significance of an AB-test. Good, right? But what about when you notice a slight miss-spelling or just forgot to add that close button - wouldn't it be nice to be able to update anyway? Now, simply contact Triggerbee Support and we will help you out!

More characters allowed in Campaign Names

Have you also tried to use colons (:), exclamation (!) marks and ampersands (&) in your campaign names, but were told you weren't allowed? We fixed that for you! Go ahead and name your campaigns with any special characters from now on!!

🪲 Selection of bug fixes

  • Tags from campaign templates are copied to campaigns, and should not
  • Adding a teaser as a step should automatically add a Change step action
  • Radio buttons are not aligning in editor
  • Can't remove Containers or elements within Columns.


As Q1 comes to an end, we've got a bunch of nice features coming up for you! We'll make it easier to see what campaigns have unpublished changes, added labels to input fields, and made audience updates - just to mention a few!

🚀 New features

Unpublished Changes

Labels on input fields

Emarsys Check Subscriber

For our Emarsys users, we've added the feature to check whether a new signup is already in an Emarsys list. This is very useful for catching discount hunters that are visiting in incognito, or just simply reminding current subscribers that they already have an account.

✨ Improvements

Uploded Images are sorted by newest

To make it easier to handle uploaded images in your campaign building process, we have started to sort them by latest added on top - making your newest additions to be closest to you. 

New Elements inherits latest design

When adding new elements to your campaign, eg. adding another input field to your form - we will now have them inherit the design from your latest designed element of the same kind.

Audience Targeting not equals includes Unidentified

We've made some adjustments to Audiences when excluding CRM data. When creating an audience with "not equals tag X from CRM" and targeting a campaign towards that audience, we will display the campaign for all identified visitors without that tag (eg. not equals tag X) and all unidentified visitors. Before this only included identified visitors.

Goals are now sorted alphabetically

When searching for goals in Automations, Profiles, or Visitor Feed filter - they are now sorted alphabetically, not the latest created as before. 

🪲 Selection of bug fixes

  • Added vertical scroll to form response list
  • Updates to font upload and changes
  • Reach calculation is incorrectly calculated when using NotEquals operator
  • Searching by words on Campaigns doesn't work


This month, we released our brand new AI assistant Beesly - which will help you write copy for your campaigns in multiple languages in a few minutes! We also made some smaller updates to the UI and improved some flows to make Triggerbee even more intuitive. 

🚀 New features

AI Assisted Copy - Beesly

✨ Improvements

Adding apps directly from Campaign Editor

To make it easier to connect your apps to Triggerbee, we added the possibility to integrate them directly from the campaign editor. This prompt is visible only before you have installed any apps. After that, you will access your apps from the Apps & Integrations section. 

Click Repetition Settings

We have separated the repetition settings for click/form submission into two different settings. Now you can decide what to happen on form submission vs. click separately!

Quick link to Form Responses

We've added quick access from your Form campaigns to their Form Responses. Now you can easily find who has responded to your form, when and what they responded! 

🪲 Selection of bug fixes

  • Exporting Responses gave campaignID rather than campaignName. Before the submitted campaigns where displayed with their campaignID, eg. oc_submit_27232. Now we write the campaignName for easier understanding, eg “Submitted BlackFriday Signup”
  • Can't upload some images to widgets. Large images are automatically resized, but that stopped working due to an framework upgrade. 
  • Can't switch components in discount code
  • List component is cut when icon is smaller than text


The first release of the year contains a lot new and improved features, such as Country & Region Targeting for Campaigns - and Custobar Integration. We also added a completely new UI for integrations, making the app fully coherent in design. 2023 here we come! 


  • Custobar Integration
  • Country & Region Targeting
  • New UI for Integrations

🚀 New features

Custobar Integration

Integrating with Custobar is now possible! Custobar is the multichannel customer data platform that tells you who your data is. The Triggerbee - Custobar integration offers a variety of use cases, including:

  • Create new contacts in Custobar from forms created in Triggerbee
  • Segment contacts in Custobar based on website behavior
  • Target contacts from specific lists and tags onsite
  • Identifying visitors coming from your newsletters 
  • ...and much more!

Here is the full description for the integration:

Button Styles

Country & Region Targeting

✨ Improvements

New UI for Integrations

The final puzzle piece to make Triggerbee completely re-styled with a modern interface is now released. The Apps & Integrations page now has a new look which is easier to understand and configure.

The new look applies to all integrations except Zapier, Pipedrive and Webpower (for now). 

Better Automation Error Descriptions

With some errors, for ex. from Rule, before we would show "Some fields could not be validated.” Now we will instead show: “Invalid phone number", which makes it clearer for the user to understand what happened.

🪲 Selection of bug fixes

  • Can’t use Voyado "Update field on subscriber" if email has +-sign in it
  • Audience popup is not closed with clicking outside it (on the modal background)
  • Campaign Thumbnails didn’t update on widget when you change widget
  • Cant export Form Responses if list has “?” in name
  • Automations: Sending Countries with names containing spaces, like “United kingdom” only sends last part “Kingdom” to CRM


In this release, we are preparing for the upcoming release of Custobar Integration and made some sought after updates to the editor and font-styles!


  • Add your uploaded font files to the website, making it possible to add any font you want!
  • See your uploaded fonts in the Thumbnail of your campaigns.
  • Many updates to prepare for the Custobar integration that will be released during Q1.
  • We store Automation History for 1 month instead of 1 week
  • You can now toggle between Dark- and Light mode in your profile

🚀 New features

Dark and Light Mode Toggle

As some of you noticed, we released our Dark Mode Setting during Black Week (funny, huh?). Now it's back to light mode, but you can toggle between the setting based on your preference under your Profile. Select whether to always have light or dark, or make it update according to your device settings. 

New buttons in the editor

Just doing quick updates to your campaign? For you, we have introduced a re-publish button directly in the editor - making it even easier to update your changes. In addition, we've updated the look of the update text and the desktop/mobile buttons.

✨ Improvements

Upload font files

Since the last release, it is possible to upload your own font files. However, they didn't work in the thumbnail preview, and it was only possible to upload fonts that were already installed on your website. But now that has changed! You can now select whether to also upload the font to your website, making it possible to add any fonts you like - perhaps a cute Christmas style or something heart-inspired for

Graph for Responses over time

In your form responses, you will now be able to see what campaigns are connected to that response list - and how the responses are collected over time.

🪲 Selection of bug fixes

  • Multiline fields inherit CSS from site, giving them wrong font type
  • Wrong number of campaigns when you click on button 'show more' on Dashboard page
  • Can't save "Subscriber check" from step that doesn't contain form
  • Actions after Wait are missing in automation history
  • Optin inputs has unwanted padding
  • Closed Cookie contained too many old campaigns, we added automatic deletion of old campaigns


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